They began to read the names of those people
Who were to enter Jahannam
آنها شروع به خواندن اسامي كساني كه وارد جهنم مي
شدند كردند
His name was read first
نامش در ابتدا خوانده شد
He fell on his knees and yelled that this
couldn't be,
او بر روي زانو خود سقوط كرد و فرياد زد كه اين
نمي تواند باشد
"How could I go to
"چگونه مي توانند مرا به جهنم ببرند؟
I served others all my life; I spread the word
of Allah to others
من همه زندگي ام خدمت كردم ، من كلام خدا را
ترويج كردم
His eyes had become blurry and he was shaking
with sweat
چشمان او تار شده بود و او خيس عرق ، به لرزش
The two angels took him by the arms.
دو فرشته بازوانش را گرفتند
As his feet dragged,
همانطور كه پايش روي زمين كشيده مي شد
They went through the crowd and advanced
Toward the blazing flames of Jahannam
آنها وي را از طريق جمعيت ، به سوي
شعله هاي آتش
فروزان جهنم بردند
He was yelling and wondered if there was
any person who was going to help him
او فرياد مي زد و متعجب بود ،
آيا كسي وجود دارد ، كه به او كمك كند
He was yelling of all the good deeds he had
How he had helped his father
او تمام اعمال خوبي كه انجام داده
بود، را فرياد مي زد ، كه چگونه به پدرش كمك مي كرد
His fasts, prayers, the Qur'an that he read,
روزه اش ، نمازهايش ، خواندن قرآنش
He was asking if none of them would help him.
او التماس مي كرد ، در صورتي كه هيچ كس از آنها
به وي كمك نكردند
The Jahannam angels continued to drag him
فرشتگان جهنم او را با زور روي زمين
مي كشيدند و ادامه دادند
They had gotten closer to the Hellfire
آنها نزديك به آتش دوزخ رسيدند
He looked back and these were his last pleas:
او به عقب نگاه كرد و اين آخرين درخواست او بود
Had not Rasulullah [saw] said
اي رسول خدا(ص) نگفته بودي:
How clean would a person be who bathes
In a river five times a day?
چگونه پاك مي كند كسي را كه
هر روز پنج بار در روز خود را ، در آب زلال
شستشو مي دهد
So too does the Salah performed five times
Cleanse someone of their sins
و نمازهاي پنجگانه را بجاي مي آورد و ديگر هيچ
پليدي برايش باقي نمي ماند
He began yelling
او شروع كرد به فرياد زدن
My prayers my prayers
نماز من نماز من
My prayers
نماز من
The two angels did not stop
دو فرشته متوقف نشدند
And they came to the edge of the abyss of
و آنها را به لبه پرتگاه جهنم آمدند
The flames of the fire were burning his face.
شعله هاي آتش صورتش را سوزاندند
He looked back one last time,
او در لحظه آخر به عقب نگاه كرد
But his eyes were dry of hope and he had
Nothing left in him.
اما چشمانش ديگر اميدي نداشت و هيچ چيزي در سمت
چپ او نبود.
One of the angels pushed him in.
يكي از فرشتگان او را به جلو انداخت
He found himself in the air and falling
towards the flames.
او خود را در هوا يافت و به سوي شعله هاي آتش
He had just fallen five or six feet when a
Grabbed him by the arm and pulled him back
او فقط پنج يا شش فوت افتاده بود
كه در آن هنگام ، دستي بازويش را
گرفت و او را به عقب كشيد
He lifted his head and saw an old man with
A long white beard
او سر خود را بلند كرد و پير مردي را با ريش
بلند سفيد ديد
He wiped some dust off himself and asked him
او گرد و غبار را از خود پاك كرد و از او پرسيد:
"Who are you?"
The old man replied, "I am your prayers".
"تو كي هستي؟" پير مرد جواب داد:
"من نمازهاي توام".
"Why are you so
late! I was almost in the Fire!
"چرا اينقدر ديركردي ! من تقريبا در آتش
You rescued me at the last minute before I
fell in
تو من را در آخرين لحظه نجات
دادي قبل از اينكه بيفتم
The old man smiled and shook his head,
پير مرد لبخند زد و سرش را تكان داد:
"You always
performed me at the last minute
did you forget?
توهميشه من را در آخرين لحظه انجام مي دادي ،
آيا فراموش كرده اي؟
At that instant, he blinked and lifted his
head from Sajdah.
در آن لحظه، او چشم را باز و بسته كرد و و سر
خود را از سجده برداشت
He was in a sweat. He listened to
The voices coming from outside
او عرق كرده بود. او صدايي از بيرون شنيد
He heard the adhan for Salat
او اذان نماز را شنيد
He got up quickly and went to perform Wudhu
او به سرعت بلند شد و وضو گرفت
Imam As-Sadiq (AS) has said:
امام صادق عليه السلام مي فرمايند:
When you offer an
obligatory prayer
وقتى نماز واجب را مى خوانى
Offer it at its stipulated time in a manner
آنرا در وقت خودش
As if it is your last prayer and you fear you
shall never
چنان بخوان كه گويا آخرين نمازي است كه ميخواني
ونگراني كه
Get a chance to offer any prayer again
ديگر هرگز به نماز موفق نمى شوى
The Messenger of Allah (saw) has said
رسول خدا صلى الله عليه و آله فرمود
Has reported that Allah, the Mighty, the
Glorious has said
كه خداوند بزرگ و متعال مى فرمايد:
I have a covenant with my servant that if he
من تعهدى نسبت به بنده ام دارم كه اگر
His prayers at their stipulated times
نماز را در وقتش بپا دارد
I shall not chastise him and
او را عذاب نكنم و
Shall place him in Paradise without any
بى حساب او را به بهشت ببرم
Pass this on to your friends and family...
Maybe you can help someone open their eyes.
اين نوشته را براي دوستان و خانواده خود ...
شايد شما بتوانيد كمك كنيد بعضي ها چشمهايشان
باز شود
And who knows?
و چه كسي مي داند؟
Maybe this is a good deed that can help you
The Day of Judgment
شايد اين كار خوبي است كه مي تواند به شما در
روز قيامت كمك كند
مترجم : علي محمد لي ماني
نماز اول وقت راه نجات ما هنگام قبض روح، فشار قبر و دوري از آتش جهنم است...بهشت و جهنم
التماس دعا از همه ي عزيزان
ادامه مطلب